Monday, September 29, 2008

Audio Project Ideas

1. I was thinking of maybe talking with people about the klutziest way they have hurt themselves. Which lead me to idea..

2. People discussing their scars and the story behind them. Jen and I were actually talking last week about how that these stories really tell a lot about a person.

3. My friend teaches at a local elementary school and she was telling me about a fourth grade class where the project was for them to choose a figure, real or imaginary that they would be a good president and why and I thought it might be kind of fun to ask them to describe why they chose the person they did and why they would make a good president.


Murph said...

count me in for the scar story which = my clutziest moment...physically anyway.

Anonymous said...

i like the president idea. that is awesome!! my mom teaches second grade. i bet her kids would have some pretty interesting answers.