Ok, it's all good.
"The Impact of the Internet and Digital Technologies on Teaching and Research in Technical Communication." - Laura J. Gurak and Ann Hill Duin
This article really focuses on what many say, while technology and it's capabilities rapidly increase, how to use them in the classroom and professionally, as well as in research are always far behind. Gurak and Duin discuss challenges and benefits of trying to stay well versed as technology changes and how important both can be to students.
"Visual Communication in the Workplace: A Survey of Practice" - Eva Brumberger
Really great article about research done to examine how much visual communication is done in the workforce. Not surprisingly, a lot is done. Technical communicators are now very much responsible for visuals, as well as text. What is surprising is that many technical communicators don't realize the shift or emphasis there is in visual communication in their job. Brumberger takes this information and encourages educators to account for this information when planning what to teach in tech. comm. classes.
"The Politics of the Interface" - Cynthia and Richard Selfe
Slightly dated, but really useful article about the power relations with students and technology and how as instructors we must account for what student experiences are brought in and how knowing this or at least being aware, can level out the playing field.
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