Monday, August 30, 2010

Ack! Why Now? Why Me?

I woke up on Saturday turned on my computer and saw a dark screen and heard three beeps over and over again. My computer has some RAM problems. This morning, although not fixed, I feel as though it should be by the end of the week. Hopefully. This makes online teaching a little difficult, but fortunately, I have access to computers.

However, this may put a dent in my comps. summary here for a little bit. I am still reading. The book I finished over the weekend is at home. And I will probably summarize in large chunks later in the week.

I want to be accountable, not only to myself, but also to those who actually may be reading this.

In other news, I received On Rhetoric in the mail this weekend and will soon start reading that. Aristotle. Wow.

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