Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Web 2.0

What genre/application of Web 2.0 is most appealing or potentially useful to you and why?

I am pretty interested in most of the Web 2.0 applications; although I know this is not helping to narrow anything down.

I think podcasting is really interesting because I feel like it is bringing back the feeling of old fashioned radio.

Professionally, I think that wiki's and microblogging would be interesting to research because it seems as though it would be beneficial in the workplace and in the classroom.

I also think that social and professional networking are interesting because I have joined those communities and the access to so many people is amazing.


Murph said...

what the heck is microblogging? I guess I'll have to go to a wiki to find out.

Murph said...

oh. limited blogging. like Twitter. interesting.

Meg said...

Final results are in: I'm doing my project on podcasting!

Murph said...

woot! very NPR-ish of you!

Anonymous said...

i heart social networking. i find myself commenting on my co-workers myspace pages more often than i actually call them or email them to tell them something.