Monday, March 1, 2010

Private Me? Public Me?

I wouldn't say that I am a critic of Clancy Ratliff and her blog, but I don't read it because she blends her personal and academic life together on it. I like to go to specific places to read about specific things and if I want to read about some interesting research or perspectives about the rhetoric field then I go to places that aren't peppered with stories about children or child-rearing. I have no problem with hearing about children or child-rearing, I just don't want to be surprised by it.

Therefore, I always thought I would keep my personal and professional thoughts separate, but now I know why it seems appealing to do a hybrid blog. It's not as time consuming. Now that I have this blog, I feel as though I am ignoring my personal blog and in order to update that blog, I have to go to the dashboard...and well it's not a lot of extra work, but just enough that something gets ignored.

But I don't want to write about the things I write about on my other blog. It's easy enough for anyone to find it, so I am not afraid of others reading it. But I want this space to be exclusively for school, as a place for me to think through ideas and research and come to terms with concepts in rhetoric and professional communication. I would like this to be an archive of the process of becoming an academic, of studying for comps, of writing my dissertation.

So, I guess I will continue to have to take a few extra minutes to talk about both my lives.

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